Sarah Ewald

Movie Poster Monday: “A Bug’s Life”

In Business, Film, Movie Poster Monday on June 18, 2012 at 2:29 pm
"A Bug's Life," 1998

“A Bug’s Life,” 1998

As we all know, “Rock of Ages” opened this week to disappointing results. A main storyline has a young girl (Julianne Hough) moving to LA from Oklahoma to pursue her dreams of stardom.

A lot of movies have tread the whole country-mouse-goes-to-the-big-city road before, so it got me thinking of what other movies did this. Disney/Pixar’s 1998 movie “A Bug’s Life” memorably had main character Flik heading to “the big city” and being mesmorised by the sights. Granted he wasn’t going there to pursue his dreams, but to potentially save his colony.

His face says it all.

His face says it all.

That feeling is so universal, no wonder it gets used so often.

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